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  • 寧波 | 5年以上 | 大專 | 提供食宿



    • 五險一金
    • 技能培訓
    • 帶薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 崗位晉升
    • 管理規(guī)范
    • 節(jié)日禮物
    • 集團發(fā)展
    • 員工活動
    • 天然氧吧
    國內(nèi)高端酒店/5星級 | 100-499人
    發(fā)布于 10-23
    • 收藏
    • 投遞簡歷
    DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 責任和義務 ? Ensures that applicable operating procedures are implemented for the following: 確保能以適當?shù)倪\作程序進行以下操作: 1.?Maximum room utilization. 最大客房入住率。 2.?Maintenance of the highest possible average room rate. 維持酒店的最高可能平均房價。 3.?Availability and condition of room is kept current. 客房的正常條件及可用性及時更新。 4.?Room reservations are accepted unless there are valid reasons for rejecting. 除非有無效原因而拒絕,否則要接受客房預定。 5.?VIP rooms inspected and all concerned advised prior to arrival of guests. 檢查貴賓房間及有關貴賓的到達。 6.?Group commitments of reservations are reconciled with that of Sales. 團隊預定情況與銷售部保持一致。 7.?Potential closed dates are reviewed with Sales and Resident Manager; controlling of open and closed dates. 與銷售部經(jīng)理及駐店經(jīng)理討論可能的關店日期,控制酒店的開店與關店日期。 8.?Control of keys. 鑰匙控制。 9.?Receipt and flow of mail and messages to ensure efficient methods and liaison between department sections and shifts. 確保部門和班次之間高效地收發(fā)信件和信息以保持良好溝通。 10.?Potential room control procedure and adequate explanation for the variance. 對可能發(fā)生的房間變動的控制并對變動做出解釋。 11.?Daily weekly, monthly occupancy forecasts evaluated against actual occupancy, vacancies noted and taken into account for succeeding forecast. Annual forecast figures for Front Office. 預期日、周、月客房占用率與實際占用率對比衡量,將變動記錄下來并記入成功預 報賬目。做前廳部年度預計報表。 12.?Room status accurate and current. 即時的準確房態(tài)。 13.?Written reports to management relative to anticipated room occupancy, reservation pattern, expected check-in and out. 擬定有關預期客房入住率,預定模式,預期登記入住和結賬的管理的書面報告。 14.?Adequate daily staffing and appropriate working schedules to minimize payroll costs. 控制每天的員工人數(shù)與工作日程的匹配來節(jié)約工資。 15.?Employment and training of staff in co-ordination with Personnel Department. 與人事部協(xié)作進行員工雇用與培訓的事宜。 16.?The promotion and aid in carrying our hotel employee relations policies, such as courtesy program, work performance records, vacations, etc. 提升和協(xié)助擬定酒店員工有關政策,如禮儀計劃,工作表現(xiàn)記錄,假期,等等。 17.?Periodic performance evaluation of staff. 員工周期表現(xiàn)評估。 18.?Presiding of Front Office meetings. 主管前廳部會議。 19.?The performance of other related functions that may be assigned. 其他可能分配的相關功能的表現(xiàn)。 ? JOB SPECIFICATION 職位條件 1.?Preferably college graduate or equivalent in experience 大學??飘厴I(yè)以上或同等經(jīng)驗 2.?Minimum 5 years’ experience in Front Office operations 五年以上從事前廳部工作經(jīng)歷 3.?Verbal and written facility 口頭表達和書面表達能力強 4.?Personable, aggressive 風度不凡,要求上進 5.?At least 25 years of age 25歲以上 6.?Must have working knowledge of Sales and Housekeeping operations and must understand functions of and be able to co-operate with closely related departments 必須有銷售部和客房部工作經(jīng)驗并且必須了解和具有與密切合作部門協(xié)作的能力 7.?Good human relations is a must 人際關系良好
  • 寧波 | 3年以上 | 大專 | 提供食宿



    • 五險一金
    • 技能培訓
    • 帶薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 崗位晉升
    • 管理規(guī)范
    • 節(jié)日禮物
    • 集團發(fā)展
    • 員工活動
    • 天然氧吧
    國內(nèi)高端酒店/5星級 | 100-499人
    發(fā)布于 10-23
    • 收藏
    • 投遞簡歷
    DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 責任和義務 1. Acknowledges turnover by outgoing counterpart of the emergency key and the Assistant Manager’s log book. 通過應急鑰匙和大堂副理記事本核對客流量。 2. Reviews log book with departmental heads to check on guest service conditions or to recommend changes on existing practices. 與部門主管一起查詢記事本來核實賓客服務的條件或推薦在已有情況下的更改。 3. In the absence of the Departmental Head/Assistant Departmental Head. Sectional Head of an operations unit, monitors the performance of the staff, advises Head of unit of same. 在部門主管/部門主管助理,分部主管不在時監(jiān)督員工工作表現(xiàn),給主管提出建議 4. Receives, records and acts on relays complaints and grievances as well as compliments and commendations. 接受、記錄并處理酒店受到的客人的褒獎抱怨和委屈。 5. Arranges for limousine and photo services for VIPs and dispatches all pertinent information about said persons to company executives concerned. 為貴賓客人安排豪華轎車和拍照服務并將上述客人的相關信息分發(fā)至相關的公司主管。 6. Arranges car services for executives on official business. 為公司總監(jiān)的商務活動安排轎車服務。 7. Monitors use of all Hotel vehicles and gasoline consumption 監(jiān)督所有酒店車輛的使用狀況和汽油消耗。 8. Offers assistance and provides needed/sought information to guests and VIPs upon their arrival at the lobby; escorts guests to their rooms and requests them to register in the VIP Guest Book whenever necessary. 提供幫助并在客人和貴賓到達酒店大堂時提供所需信息,在必要時請他們在貴賓客 人登記本上登記。 9. Arranges accommodation of overflow guests in alternate hotel(s) and keeps record thereof; arranges for their return to the Hotel the following day or when conditions allow/exigencies require/justify. 為過剩的客人安排就近的酒店食宿并作記錄,如果條件允許,安排他們隔天回酒店/緊急處理/證明。 10. Handles questions of charges, investigations of any guest comments and co-ordination with emergency plans. 處理有關費用的問題,調查任何客人的評價,緊急事件處理。 11. Makes rounds/conducts inspections on the lobby, of all but not limited to other guest areas in the interest of security, safety, guest relations, economy/conservation and acts, records, monitors to officer(s) concerned and superior(s) operational activities and unusual occurrences, incidents, irregularities, illegitimate activities and significant events affecting unites/or the Hotel as a whole; handles lost-and-found matters. 在大堂里巡視監(jiān)督酒店安全、客戶關系、經(jīng)濟/對話與行為,不包括客人區(qū)域,記 錄并監(jiān)督相關員工指導相關工作及區(qū)域或酒店的不尋常的地方和重大事情,處理遺 失事件。 12. Authorizes room or rate changes, paid-outs, rebates, cash advances, release of airline crew allowance, acceptance of personal or company checks, assumption of liabilities, “charge to” billing, etc. following or on the basis of established policies, standards and procedures. 對換房進行管理,根據(jù)酒店擬定的政策,標準和程序處理退還現(xiàn)金,費用修正,預 付金,機場代表費用,接受個人或公司支票,欠賬處理,轉賬賬單處理,等等。 13. Co-ordinates with line departments concerned on discrepancies in room status. 與在房態(tài)上有差異的部門聯(lián)系協(xié)作。 14. Does other duties assigned by the immediate superior. 根據(jù)即時情況安排其他工作。 JOB SPECIFICATION 職位條件 1. College graduate 大學??飘厴I(yè) 2. At least 2 years’ experience in a hotel of international standard 至少2年以上在國際標準酒店工作經(jīng)驗 3. Must be familiar with Front Office operations 必須熟悉前廳部的操作 4. Personable and charming 氣質良好 5. Verbal and written facility 口頭表達和書面表達能力良好 6. Able to relate with different types of personalities 能與不同個性的人交流 7. Should be well versed in local city history, places of interest, shopping areas, theatres, etc. for better guest service 精通當?shù)爻鞘袣v史,名勝古跡,購物區(qū),劇院,等等,以便提供給客人更好的服務
  • 寧波 | 2年以上 | 大專 | 提供食宿



    • 五險一金
    • 技能培訓
    • 帶薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 崗位晉升
    • 管理規(guī)范
    • 節(jié)日禮物
    • 集團發(fā)展
    • 員工活動
    • 天然氧吧
    國內(nèi)高端酒店/5星級 | 100-499人
    發(fā)布于 10-23
    • 收藏
    • 投遞簡歷
    DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 工作職責 1. Inspects all VIP blockings, occupied VIP rooms and vacant rooms. 檢查所有貴賓房和空房 2. Instructs Room Attendants to clean guest rooms in order of priority. 指導客房服務員清潔客房 3. Makes available floor linen and cleaning equipment/materials needed for guest rooms. 為客房準備所需要的布草和清潔設備 4. Checks floor corridors, service areas, including linen closets, storage room for cleaning equipment and Room Attendants’ comfort room. 檢查樓層走廊、服務區(qū)域,包括布草房、儲存室 5. Checks Room Attendant’s proper grooming, attire, use of respective name tags; inspects maid’s carts for completeness of supplies needed for the day’s work 檢查客房服務員的裝扮、穿著、佩帶各自的名牌;檢查每天工作需要的推車 6. Reports to Assistant Executive Housekeeper any irregularities observed on the part of the guests. 向助理行政管家匯報任何在顧客部分的異常情況 7. Builds high morale and motivation and sound employee relationships. 樹立高昂的斗志,并和員工相處融洽 8. Rates performance of room attendants. 對客房服務員的表現(xiàn)作出評估 9. Performs other duties that may be assigned. 履行其他可能被安排的相關任務 10. Reviews/discusses room assignments of Room Attendants. 向客房服務員重申客房的安排 11. Reviews linen requirements, checks availability and appropriateness of cleaning equipment and comfort rooms. 重申布草的需求量,檢查清潔設備和客房的情況 12. Double-checks floor corridors, service areas, linen closets, storage rooms for cleaning equipment and comfort rooms. 重復檢查樓層走廊,服務區(qū)域,布草房和儲存室 13. Ensures that Room Attendants on duty are in complete clean uniforms.Ensures that Floor Supervisor checks this requirement daily. 確保當天客房服務員的制服干凈整齊;確保樓層主管每天檢查所需物品 14. Plans/conducts training program of Room Attendants. 計劃對客房服務員的培訓 15. Reviews commendations/misconduct. 復查所有的獎罰事項 16. Conducts orientation for new hires for his section advising them in writing of the standards against which performance of their subordinates will be evaluated. 為新雇用的員工指引方向,為他們作出相應的評估 17. Conducts preliminary selection interviews of candidates for positions in his section taking into account standards of personnel quality of the hotel. 指導初步挑選出來的員工在其工作崗位上的工作 18. Initiates Commendations and Misconduct Notices. 開始獎罰制 Appraises performance of subordinates every six months and recommends appropriate action 19. basing on results of rating. 每六個月給手下人員做個評估,并在人員的編制上推薦適當?shù)墓ぷ?20. Identifies training needs of subordinates of personnel within his section. 在其部門為員工做好相應的培訓 21. Performs other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned. 履行其他可能被安排的任務 JOB SPECIFICAITON 職位要求 1. College graduate 大中??茖W歷優(yōu)先, 2. 2 years’ experience 2年工作經(jīng)驗 3. Aggressive and personable 有進取心,認真負責,積極樂觀
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