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  • 全國 | 3年以上 | 大專



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
    • 一價全包
    • 海外工作機會
    • 每年輪換酒店
    • 大中華區(qū)3家
    • 多元化團隊
    • 員工全球免費
    • 五險一金
    • 崗位晉升
    國際高端酒店/5星級 | 500-999人
    發(fā)布于 10-10
    • 收藏
    • 投遞簡歷
    SERVICE AND ORGANIZATION ? Ensure compliance with the customer contract for its service by applying standards for all his services ? Be the guarantor of a joyful environment within his perimeter.  ? Support the creation of innovative and diversified events ? Apply the implementation (early season), monitoring (season) and closure (end of season) processes for the entire department. ? Inform your manager of information from the field, dysfunctions observed in your department ? Propose appropriate solutions. ? Customize customer service without incurring additional costs or changes in the standards defined by the Services Department. ? Be present at key moments of the service to coordinate the teams and be the privileged and recognized interlocutor of the GMs. ? Adapt the organization according to infrastructures, ? Respect the pricing and strengthen emphasis, develop turnover on wines for sale if necessary ? Organize and distribute work for the restaurant team. ? To be a force of proposal on the evolution of high-end service in his service. QUALITY / HEALTH AND SAFETY: ? Establish, apply and monitor the application of health and safety standards in his department. ? Make a diagnosis, at the opening, of the state of his service (premises, equipment and resources available), ensure a control throughout the season and take necessary measures in case of problems (decision or request for intervention from his manager) ? Ensure the maintenance and preservation of premises and equipment ? Participate in the Health and Safety Unit. ? Ensure good waste management in the service (sorting, collection…) ? Ensure good management of dangerous products in the service (storage, protection equipment…) ? Limit electricity and water consumption  ECONOMIC RESULTS: ? Guarantee the operation of your service within a given framework (budget, performance, staff)  ? Ensure the follow-up and analysis of the various existing reporting tools and related action plans to rationalize management and optimize incomes in compliance with norms and standards. ? Submit monthly economic results to your manager. MANAGEMENT ? Demonstrate leadership ? Adopt a coaching posture in your management ? Ensure the reception, implementation and integration of GO/GEs in your department ? Define personal objectives and support his team or its affiliates, and evaluate them ? Supervise and lead in a transversal logic ? Implement and comply with HR procedures and have them validated by your own manager ? Manager by proximity: show, train and enforce ? Ensure good social climate in your department (pay particular attention to the staff restaurant) and organize meetings for corrective follow-up ? Be exemplary through his visibility among teams and customers We hope: You responsible for the implementation of the Service offer defined by the Management in restaurants and, if necessary, for diswashing.  You are responsible for the quality and relationships of your team with GMs. Your KPI -Client:Quality of reception and service -Business:Respect for equipment and heritage. Orders management And development of sales -People:Absenteeism rates, Turn over and team development
  • 全國 | 3年以上 | 大專 | 提供食宿



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
    • 一價全包
    • 海外工作機會
    • 每年輪換酒店
    • 大中華區(qū)3家
    • 多元化團隊
    • 員工全球免費
    • 五險一金
    • 崗位晉升
    國際高端酒店/5星級 | 500-999人
    發(fā)布于 10-10
    • 收藏
    • 投遞簡歷
    【崗位職責】 1. 通過與客戶建立良好的關系為其提供服務(餐廳接待、服務質量、吧臺酒水出品) 2. 組織和協(xié)調團隊成員,為其分配工作季目標、按照Club Med的標準監(jiān)督成員的工作態(tài)度和行為 3. 通過管理支出;提高服務團隊的盈利;優(yōu)化服務團隊的預算;從而實現開源節(jié)流 4. 使餐飲團隊的氣氛溫暖、友善;并根據度假村的晚間主題裝飾餐廳和提供酒水出品 5. 確保餐飲團隊成員的發(fā)展 6. 確保遵守Club Med的標準,并符合衛(wèi)生和安全流程 【崗位要求】 1.年齡30歲以上,大專以上學歷, 主修國際旅游/酒店管理/餐飲專業(yè)者優(yōu)先 2. 有1年以上同等崗位管理職工作經驗 3. 必須具備流利的英語,掌握法語者更佳 4. 該崗位需每周工作6天                【G.O福利】: 雙人住宿; 一日三餐國際自助餐廳; 吧臺飲料暢飲; 度假村內所有娛樂活動及場地設施免費使用; 機場接送服務; 工作滿一年往返度假村和住址機票; 完善的工作意外傷害保險及社會保險; 國際化G.O團隊; 擁有登臺演出的機會; 每年輪換海外及大中華區(qū)度假村工作機會; Club Med海外度假村免費房間; 快速晉升通道。
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