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  • 桂林 | 5年以上 | 大專 | 提供食宿



    • 五險一金
    • 節(jié)日禮物
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    • 崗位晉升
    • 員工生日禮物
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    • 人性化管理
    • 服務費
    國際高端酒店/5星級 | 100-499人
    發(fā)布于 10-25
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    • 投遞簡歷
    1.???? Supervisesteam members at the HR Office ensuring the department’s daily operation isrunning smoothly and team members discipline is adhered to. 督導人力資源部的員工的日常工作,以確保日常部門運作的順利進行和員工紀律的正確實施。 2.???? Liaisewith local government authorities regarding labor law, labor relations andarbitration cases. 和政府部門保持密切關系,及時更新在勞動法律、勞動關系和勞動仲裁方面的信息。 3.???? Preparesprocedure released concerning the labor contracts for team members. 準備勞動合同相關的政策程序。 4.???? Developsand maintains a team member relations program, which includes but not limitedto service award programs, employee activities and staff dialogue to increaseteam member’s satisfaction. 建立并發(fā)展員工關系項目以提高員工滿意度,包括但不止于服務獎項,員工活動,員工溝通會等。 5.???? Maintainnotice board, ensure news and information are post and updated timely. 管理布告欄,將信息及時張貼,并及時更新。 6.???? Leadstaff opinion survey. 負責員工意見調查。 7.???? Administrateemployee voice program to ensure staff opinions are acknowledged, evaluated,and responded properly. 管理員工心聲,確保員工的意見,建議得到反饋。 8.???? Takescharge of recruitment according to hotel business requirement and the manningsituation. 根據酒店的經營需要和人員現狀,及時有效的完成1,2級人員的招聘任務以及幫工安排。 9.???? Handlethe check in/out procedure.? 負責員工入職和離職手續(xù)。 10.?? Supervisesand checks all records on sick leave, medical expenses, misconduct andPersonnel Action Form. 監(jiān)督檢查所有休假、醫(yī)療費用、違紀以及人員變動表格的正確管理和操作。 11.?? Maintainsafety and cleanliness of work areas and team member areas, including, but notlimited to, the team member restaurant, locker rooms and dormitory. 保證工作區(qū)域及員工區(qū)域的安全及衛(wèi)生,如員工餐廳、更衣室、倒班宿舍、員工宿舍等。 12.?? Monitorthe operations for staff facilities to avoid any violation to the rules andregulations. 監(jiān)督員工活動設施的使用情況,查處違紀行為。 13.?? Walkextra miles to provide quality service to staff. 想辦法提高服務質量。 14.?? Supervisesand support HR supervisor to keep the fluent and right operation on B&C. 指導人事部主管有條不紊的處理好所有員工薪酬福利方面的運作。 15.?? Ensuresthe security and confidentiality of the HR Department is strictly adhered to. 保證人力資源部嚴格遵守相關的保密政策。 16.?? Initiateany new and improved system/procedure to be implemented in order to upgrade allpersonnel filing system and records. 推動新政策程序以及系統(tǒng)的實施,以更新人事的存檔系統(tǒng)和人事相關的各類檔案。 17.?? Handlearbitration cases to protect hotel’s benefits. 處理員工仲裁以及法律案件確保酒店形象利益不受損害。 18.?? Handleteam member’s complaint and communicate with the other department. 有效處理員工投訴并和各部門溝通解決。 19.?? AssistHRM to ensure HR Audit to arrive the budget and to standardize HR’s operation. 協(xié)助人力資源經理完成人力資源部的審計考核,并將人力資源部的工作逐步體系化規(guī)范化。 20.?? BuildHR P&P to increase the efficiency of HR. 建立健全政策程序。 21.?? Buildenvironment of supporting the other department. 建立部門支持的氛圍。 22.?? Manninganalysis. 進行人力分析。 23.?? Ensuresthat team members maintain a high standard of personal appearance and hygieneand adhere to the hotel and department’s grooming standards. 確保員工的個人儀表衛(wèi)生符合酒店和部門的標準。 24.?? Exitinterview and Turnover analysis. 進行離職面試并進行員工流失率的分析。 25.?? Marketsurvey for HR related to adjust our strategy on time. 市場調查, 為管理層及時調整政策提供有利證據。 26.?? Foreigner’swork permit and visa application. 為外國同事辦理工作簽證相關事宜。 27.?? Disciplineteam members. 監(jiān)督員工紀律。 28.?? Ensureshigh standards of personal presentation and grooming. 保持高標準的個人形象和儀容儀表。 29.?? Assumesthe duty of the HRM during her absence. 人力資源經理不在的情況下,代理其工作。 30.?? Adhereto the hotel’s security and emergency policies and procedures. 堅持酒店安全制度、緊急情況處理規(guī)定和程序。 31.?? Toensure that all team members have a complete understanding of and adhere to theHotel’s Team member Rules and Regulations. 確保員工充分的理解并遵守員工手冊內容。 32.?? Coach,supervise and train up the staff. 督導和培訓員工。 33.?? Conductperformance development review for the staff. 給員工做工作績效評估。 34.?? Themanagement reserves the right to change / extend this job description ifnecessary at any point of time during her / his employment. 如有必要 ,該部門有權更改或補充該職位描述。 35.?? Adhocassignment from HRD or HRM 人力資源總監(jiān)或經理分配的其它任務。
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